A former Entertainment Marketing and Partnership Executive, Sheri left the industry when she could no longer, in good conscience, partner processed, junk-food brands with kids’ entertainment.
“One out of every two children is struggling with chronic illnesses and my children were not the exception. It became painfully obvious that my career choice was hypocritical to my holistic beliefs.”
In 2011, Sheri took her family organic, founding Journey to Organic to log the passage. Journey to Organic provides classes, recipes, and individual cooking sessions to moms and families wishing to navigate their own nutritional healing path.
In 2015, despite 7 years of annual mammograms, Sheri was diagnosed with Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Breast Cancer, double-positive, triple aggressive. In the first months of her diagnosis, she was able to use her knowledge to identify her cancer’s pathology and the breakdown in her body that allowed it to ignite 10 years before it was detected by modern technology. Armed with the understanding of therapeutic pathways, she began healing the “why” of her cancer, system by system, organ by organ.
Along her healing journey, she learned the most important pieces of information:
“You are not a statistic. Doctors do not know what they do not know. The body undeniably knows how to heal itself. We just need to help it and get out of its way”.
In November of 2017, two days before Thanksgiving, a sensitive, BioCept® blood test that looks at 1 in 1 million cells out of 32.2 trillion proclaimed Sheri to have "NO detectable metastatic breast cancer tumor cells".
Fortified with the healing progress she was making with her own cancer, Sheri became a certified Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® Practitioner (FDN-P) to both expand her holistic knowledge of healing, as well as gain access to essential lab tests that everyone should take annually.
She has dedicated her focus on genetic nutrition, nutritional psychology and the microbiome. Sheri is a full board-certified Holistic Health Practitioner (CHHP) and is equally certified by Stanford School of Medicine in Family Nutrition and Cooking (“CFNL”), the Ludwig-Maximilian University of Munich in Perinatal/Pregnancy Lifestyle Nutrition and Breastfeeding Nutrition (“CPLN”), Nutritional Psychology ("CN-Psych") from JFK University. Sheri is equally a certified Gluten-Free Practitioner (CGP), and has completed advanced certifications in Advanced Blood Chemistry, Organic Acids, Hormones, Thyroid, Oxalates, Methylation, and Herbology, and is a qualified Well Guard Practitioner.
In 2018, Sheri was awarded “Outstanding FDN Practitioner” and is an active member of both the Association of Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioners (AFDNP) and the American Association of Drugless Practitioners (AADP).
As the founder of SexyStrongLife® and Journey to Organic, Sheri Levy meets with clients across the U.S., in-person, or virtually. She offers several classes and enjoys speaking on “How to Heal Gracefully”, “Living a SexyStrongLife®” and “Nutritional Psychology-When Anxiety and Depression are in Your Gut and Not Your Brain”.
Sheri is happily married with two children and grateful to regain her SexyStrongLife®.
“I practice Functional Diagnostic Nutrition emphasizing on nutrigenomics, nutritional psychology and the microbiome. I am about uncovering the “y” in the “why” of your symptoms and then using intelligent testing, cellular nutrition, and holistic protocols to get you back to life with those you love.”