Nutritional Genetics

Your Body’s Owner’s Manual

“The genome is the complete set of DNA — a blueprint where you may find nutritional instructions to build health. The DNA remains fixed for life but the epigenome remains flexible. By using food properly, you can actively partner with your weak genes and nourish them to strength; helping avoid and reverse disease. This is why nutrigenomic testing is so brilliant.” Sheri Levy

Nutrigenomics answers not only what diet you should be eating but it shares with you what foods help support cognitive function, healthy genetic expression, physical endurance, and vital strength. It provides insight into your hormones and thyroid function, if intermittent fasting is right for you, your sleep needs and the foods and chemicals you should avoid. It is the only genetic test I have found that provides nutritional options to create healing solutions.

Step 1

Once ordered a swab test kit ships to your home within 4 business days. It takes seconds to complete in the privacy of your own home and ships from your mailbox, with shipping label included.

A 60-90 page nutrigenomic report returns in 3-5 weeks all about you.

Step 2

Meet with Sheri to review your report and learn how to use your nutrigenomic results to build strength.

I grew up with friends who were constantly changing their diet to the latest fad diet and like them, I tried every diet imaginable. I falsely thought I should be Vegan or Vegetarian in my early years and Keto or Low-Fat in my late 30s. This guessing game went on for more than 1/2 my life and resulted in large nutritional deficiencies.

Once I completed my nutrigenomic test and truly understood my genetic diet, it became clear to me that I was unintentionally doing internal damage being a Vegan and Vegetarian. That diet, for me, was incorrect because genetically, my body could not transfer plant-based Omega 3s from flax and walnuts into EPA and DHA that I needed to run my brain and repair inflammation. I couldn’t even transfer plants to the form of Vitamin A I needed to support my immune system, skin and eyes.

My body couldn’t manage Keto/ketones either, so it made sense I gained weight and was starving on Keto diets. What my body needed nutritionally was far different than any member in my family because I was uniquely me. This is why we should never assume anyone’s true diet from a book or a family member’s preference. An entire family can have different nutritional needs, i.e. the mother may be a carnivore and her child may be a vegan. It is time we stop guessing how to eat based on the latest fad or peer pressure. It’s time to answer, “What diet is right for me?”